DCLC Press Release
December 12, 2022
As 2023 approaches, why not resolve to help others improve their lives by becoming a volunteer literacy tutor or volunteer classroom aide with Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC)?
Volunteering your time, knowledge, and energy to help an adult improve his or her basic skills can be an uplifting and meaningful experience. Volunteer tutors provide one-on-one literacy tutoring to adults in either Adult Basic Education (ABE) or English as a Second Language (ESL). Volunteer classroom aides work with one of DCLC’s instructors, usually in an online class, to help adult ABE or ESL students with guided practice, projects, and other learning activities. Online and in-person volunteering options are available.
Volunteering with adult literacy students not only results in gratifying personal rewards, but it also helps strengthen the entire community.

Just ask Volunteer ESL Tutor Philip Sheau (on right in photo), who tutors Lawrence Adedipe online (on left). When Lawrence declared that he was interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, Philip started using the 100 study questions found on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website in their lessons. When Lawrence seemed ready to take the test, Philip encouraged him and mentioned the value of being a citizen in time to vote in the November elections.
Lawrence seemed noncommittal. But then in September 2022, Lawrence surprised his tutor with the news that he had passed the citizenship test. Lawrence invited Philip to the swearing-in ceremony in Philadelphia.
Said Philip, “It was an absolute surprise to me, and I felt much joy and happiness for him as well as a sense of accomplishment for both Lawrence and me.”
Volunteer tutors meet their adult students twice a week at a mutually convenient time, either online or in a public place such as a local library. DCLC provides free training to volunteer tutors and volunteer classroom aides, as well as free tutoring materials and ongoing support. Volunteer tutors and classroom aides do not need to know a language other than English, and no previous teaching or tutoring experience is required.
Founded in 1975, Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) provides free literacy services to local adults, including online and in-person classes and tutoring in basic adult literacy (reading, writing, and math), ESL, GED preparation, and digital skills. DCLC also offers free career services to help adults obtain full-time work.
If you have patience, compassion for others, and a lifelong love of learning, consider sharing your talents by becoming a volunteer tutor or classroom aide in the coming year. For additional information about training dates, the application process, and volunteer expectations, visit www.delcoliteracy.org/volunteer . Make this your year of service and commitment. Become a literacy volunteer!