DCLC Press Release
September 28, 2022
Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) received a generous grant from the Delaware County Interactive Gaming Revenue Authority (DCIGRA) to help promote its free programs and services.
A check representing the $25,000.00 grant was presented to DCLC Executive Director Pat Gunnin and members of DCLC’s board of directors and staff on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
DCIGRA Board Chair Paul K. Johnson said the grant would help DCLC with “local marketing efforts to promote literacy services and resources.”
DCLC Executive Director Pat Gunnin expressed gratitude for the generous grant, saying, “This will really help us reach every corner of Delaware County so that adults needing our services will learn about us and get the help they need.”
Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) provides free literacy services to local adults, including online and in-person classes in basic adult literacy, ESL, GED preparation, and digital skills, as well as career services that help people obtain full-time work. To learn more or to get involved, visit http://delcoliteracy.org.
Caption for photo: Paul K. Johnson, Board Chair of the Delaware County Interactive Gaming Revenue Authority (DCIGRA) [back row, fifth from left], and Stefan Roots, DCIGRA Board Member (back row, fourth from left), present Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) staff and board members with a symbolic check representing the recent $25,000.00 grant to help DCLC promote its free services and programs within the community. Shown in photo, front row, left to right: DCLC Staff Members Jennifer LaPorte, Marvis Daniel, Wazhma Pal, Kiera Morales, and Elaine Herbert; back row, left to right: DCLC Board Member Peter Matthews, DCLC Staff Member Deb Charley, DCLC Board Member Rick Durante, DCIGRA Board Member Stefan Roots, DCIGRA Board Chair Paul K. Johnson, DCLC Executive Director Pat Gunnin, DCLC Board Member Nichole Kistler, and DCLC Staff Member Chandra Waters.