DCLC Press Release
October 6, 2022
Adults who earned their GED with Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) in 2020, 2021, or 2022 were honored at a special Student Recognition Ceremony at the Delaware County Intermediate Unit on September 26, 2022. The ceremony also recognized DCLC students who became U.S. citizens, who completed Home Health Aide training, and who won essay contests.
Students with achievements in 2020 and 2021 were honored because DCLC was not able to hold in-person celebrations during those years.

Melis May Sagay, who recently became a U.S. citizen, was the student speaker for the event. She told the guests “I immigrated to America in 2016. I was a green card winner. My son was 2 years old, I was 39, my husband was 40. We spent more than half of our lives in another country. I made a choice; it was not easy; it still is not. But I have never regretted making this choice.” She went on to explain, “America gave us hope that we can do anything, it supported us. …This change made me stronger.”
Kate McGeever, Executive Director of the Delaware County Workforce Development Board, delivered the keynote address, which focused on gratitude. She offered thanks to the children and other loved ones who supported the adult student in their life. She also showered gratitude on the adult students themselves, saying, “I am going to thank you for that first day you walked through those doors at the Literacy Council and said out loud ‘I have a goal’…and for all of the hours that followed.”
Pat Gunnin, Executive Director of DCLC, acknowledged the students’ dedication—even through the pandemic—by declaring, “You can’t stop a dream!” and encouraged students to make their latest accomplishment a first step, telling them, “Don’t stop here!”
Jenn Kacimi, DCLC Director of Curriculum and Instruction, wrapped up the proceedings by telling the adult students, “I am honored to have been part of your journey with Delaware County Literacy Council. Your achievements and perseverance are an inspiration to us all!
Several elected officials representing Delaware County or their staff members attended the celebration, including PA Senator John Kane, Sarah McCullough of PA Senator Tim Kearney’s office, Dana Carter of PA Senator Anthony Williams’ office, PA Representative Gina Curry, and PA Representative Mike Zabel.

Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) provides free literacy services to local adults, including online and in-person classes in basic adult literacy, ESL, GED preparation, and digital skills, as well as career services that help people obtain full-time work. To learn more or to get involved, visit http://delcoliteracy.org.